2011 and in press: Böhm, G., & Tanner, C. (in press). Risk perception. In L. Steg, A. E. van den Berg, & J. I. M. de Groot (Eds.), Environmental psychology: An introduction. New York: Wiley-Blackwell. Bostrom, A., O'Connor, R. E., Böhm, B., Hanss, D., Bodi, O., Ekström, F., Halder, P., Jeschke, S., Mack, B., Qu, M., Rosentrater, L., Sandve, A., & Sælensminde, I. (in press). Causal thinking and support for climate change policies: International survey findings. Global and Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions. Hanss, D., & Böhm, G. (in press). Sustainability seen from the perspective of consumers. International Journal of Consumer Studies. Liu, J. H., et al. ... Böhm, G. ... (42 more authors). (2012). Cross-cultural dimensions of meaning in the evaluation of events in world history? Perceptions of historical calamities and progress in cross-cultural data from thirty societies. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(2) 251–272. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2011). Tourism in the face of environmental risks: Sunbathing under the ozone hole, and strolling through polluted air. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 11, 250-267. Hanss, D., & Böhm, G. (2010). Can I make a difference? The role of general and domain-specific self-efficacy in sustainable consumption decisions. Umweltpsychologie, 14, 46-74. 2007 - 2010: Böhm, G. (2008). Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Umweltrisiken. In E.-D. Lantermann & V. Linneweber (Hrsg.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie: Umweltpsychologie - Band 1. Grundlagen, Paradigmen und Methoden der Umweltpsychologie (S. 501-532). Göttingen: Hogrefe. [Chapter in encyclopaedia of environmental psychology: Perception and evaluation of environmental risks] Böhm, G., & Brun, W. (2008). Intuition and Affect in Risk Perception and Decision Making. Judgment and Decision Making, 3(1), 1-4. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2008). Anticipated and experienced emotions in environmental risk perception. Judgment and Decision Making, 3, 73-86. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2008). Antinomies of environmental risk perception: Cognitive structure and evaluation. In M. J. Casimir (Ed.), Culture and the changing environment. Uncertainty, cognition, and risk management in cross-cultural perspective (pp. 61-77). Oxford: Berghahn. Pfister, H.-R., & Böhm, G. (2008). The multiplicity of emotions: A framework of emotional functions in decision making. Judgment and Decision Making, 3, 5-17. 2000 - 2006: Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2005). Consequences, morality, and time in environmental risk evaluation. Journal of Risk Research, 8, 461-479. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2005). The structure of emotions in learning situations. In W. Bilsky & D. Elizur (Eds.), Facet theory: Design, analysis, and applications (pp. 111-121). Rome: Facet Theory Association. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2005). Umweltbezogenes Verhalten und Emotionen. In M. Schrenk, & W. Holl-Giese (Hrsg.), Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung – Ergebnisse empirischer Untersuchungen (S. 17-31). Hamburg: Dr. Kovaĉz. [Environmental behavior and emotions] Pfister, H.-R., & Böhm, G. (2005). Stichwort: Risikowahrnehmung. In D. Frey, L. v. Rosenstiel, & C. Graf Hoyos (Hrsg.). Angewandte Psychologie (Band 2): Wirtschaftspsychologie (S. 310-315). Weinheim: Beltz, Psychologie Verlags Union. [Entry in handbook of applied psychology: risk perception] Wiedeman, P. M., Clauberg, M., Gutteling, J., & Böhm, G. (Eds.) (2005). SRA-Europe 2002 Berlin meeting. [special issue]. Journal of Risk Research, 8 (6). Böhm, G. (2003). Emotional reactions to environmental risks: Consequentialist versus ethical evaluation. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 23, 199-212. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2003). Facets of emotional and cognitive evaluations of environmental risks. In S. Levy & D. Elizur (Eds.). Facet theory: Towards cumulative social science (pp. 313-323). Ljubljana, Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, Center for Educational Development. Böhm, G. (2002). Wahrnehmung und Bewertung von Umweltrisiken. Umweltpsychologie, 6, 2-7. [Perception and evaluation of environmental risks] Rhein, S., & Böhm, G. (2002). Die Rolle von Emotionen beim Umweltverhalten. In H. Seybold & W. Rieß (Hrsg.). Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Grundschule - methodologische und konzeptionelle Ansätze. Gmünder Hochschulreihe Nr. 22 (S. 113-128). Schwäbisch Gmünd: Pädagogische Hochschule Schwäbisch Gmünd. [The role of emotions in environmental behavior] Böhm, G., Nerb, J., McDaniels, T., & Spada, H. (Eds.). (2001). Environmental risks: Perception, evaluation, and management [special issue]. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, Vol. 9. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2001). Facets of evaluative reactions to environmental problems. Proceedings of the Eighth International Facet Theory Conference (pp. 343-352). Prague: MATFYZPRESS. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2001). Mental representation of global environmental risks. Research in Social Problems and Public Policy, 9, 1-30. Pfister, H.-R. & Böhm, G. (2001). BSE – Sozialpsychologische Aspekte eines umstrittenen Risikos. Zeitschrift für Sozialpsychologie, 32, 213-221. [Mad cow disease - social psychological aspects of a controversial risk] Pfister, H.-R., & Böhm, G. (2001). Decision making in the context of environmental risks. In C. M. Allwood & M. Selart (Eds.), Decision making: Social and creative dimensions (pp. 89-111). Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Böhm, G., & Pfister, H.-R. (2000). Action tendencies and characteristics of environmental risks. Acta Psychologica, 104, 317-337. Pfister, H.-R., Böhm, G., & Jungermann, H. (2000). The cognitive representation of genetic engineering: Knowledge and evaluations. New Genetics and Society, 19, 295-316. bis 1999: Pfister, H.-R., Böhm, G., & Jungermann, H. (1999). Die kognitive Repräsentation von Gentechnik: Wissen und Bewertungen. In O. Renn & J. Hampel (Hrsg.), Chancen und Risiken der Gentechnik aus der Sicht der Öffentlichkeit (S. 170-196). Frankfurt am Main: Campus. [Cognitive representation of genetic engineering: Knowledge and evaluations] Böhm, G. & Mader, S. (1998). Subjektive kausale Szenarien globaler Umweltveränderungen. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 45, 270-285. [Subjective causal scenarios of global environmental change] Böhm, G., Rost, J., & Spada, H. (1998). Psychologische Aspekte von Umweltrisiken. Zeitschrift für Experimentelle Psychologie, 45, 243-250. [Psychological aspects of environmental risks] Böhm, G., Stahl, W., Henning, H. J. & Mader, S. (1998). Alltagswissen und subjektives Risiko. In V. Preuß (Hrsg.). Risikoanalysen II (S. 19-43). Heidelberg: Asanger. [Common sense knowledge and subjective risk asessment] Böhm, G., & Henning, H. J. (1997). Strategien psychologischer Risikoforschung. 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Proceedings of the Fourth International Facet Theory Conference (pp. 20-29). Facet Theory Association, Prague. Pfister, H.-R., & Böhm, G. (1992). The function of concrete emotions in rational decision making. Acta Psychologica, 80, 199-211.